Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The Waiting Game

What does early next week mean to you? In my vernacular, this phrase implies a time frame that falls somewhere between Monday morning and quitting time on Tuesday. Sunday is, of course, the day of rest so it doesn’t count and Wednesday is clearly right smack dab in the middle of the week. So therefore, when someone said to me last week that they would get back to me early next week about their decision to hire me, I assumed, as any level-headed chap would, that I probably would know by now. Sadly, this is not the case. So here I am on this Tuesday afternoon, waiting by both the phone and the Outlook inbox, wondering why it is that I am being so cruelly treated. I shall just have to write to get my mind off of it.

An update from yesterday’s post: Kenton emailed me in RE: to my apology. I replied back after some careful planning with what I would have to describe as a lackluster performance in comparison to my original email. (Man, should have taken a screenshot of that thing.) I still hope he will forgive me for my laziness. Hell hath no fury like a Kenton scorned.

I knew that I am new to this weblogging thing, but a search of the database of this site has revealed to me that pretty much all of my friends and relatives already have one of these. Was there a conspiracy to not tell me, to let me wallow in the purgatory that is….er….not weblogging? Did I miss the sign-ups? I mean, I would have jumped on the bandwagon a whole lot sooner had someone just given me the heads up.

Well, my lunch hour has lapsed and now I must get back to work. Or, depending how you look at it, pretending to work as I diligently wait for the little envelope icon to pop up in my taskbar.


Blogger Joel A. Shaver said...

Yeah well, I'm glad you have a blog and everything, but you should know I charge a premium for you to be allowed to link to me.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Kenton Finkbeiner said...

I am extatic that you now are on blogger.com! This way I can get a satisfying amount of good wit from you each day (hopefully), that will take me through the rest of the week! You have a sense of humor unlike mine, with a vocabulary to boot!
As for my doctor bills, I have Anemiatic Cancer due to the radioactive CaT scan.
But since we're really good friends (dare I say, best?) I am willing to let the Anemiatic Cancer slide. I'm going out on a night on the town with some friends tonight both of which are married and are nurses, they will tend to my cancer of course.

11:03 AM  

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