Monday, August 09, 2004

I made at least $15 for typing this

I think I am completely recovered from the celebration on Saturday night. I think Kevin had a pretty good “Last Night Out.” After the shot of 151, he slipped into the perfect stage of drunkenness. You know, the small window of intoxication where you cannot be held responsible for you outrageous behavior but have not yet lost control of your bodily functions.

Our party of seven began at Tulalip, where for the first time in my gambling career, I walked out with more money than I came in with. In fact, everyone who gambled made some money. Josh and I made big money on the craps table. The roller got on this streak and hit nothing but sixes and eights. We kept pressing our place bets on both and at one point I was making $21 every time a six or eight was rolled. I love craps!

Now I’m back at work and I have spent the majority of my day looking for my next job. Not many employers will allow you to do that on company time, especially mine. So that’s why I have to pretend like I am really working. I have come up with several tricks to avoid detection. For instance, I am typing this into a form that is intended to be used exclusively for business purposes. That way if a superior walks by and sees me, he will say to himself, “I can see that person typing a lot of words into that business form. He is working really hard.”

Maybe I’ll even get a promotion.


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