Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Baby/Poker Night

We had some friends over last night. Jenny, Katie, Jon, Kevin, Kim, the usual crew. We had originally intended to watch a movie but, due to the fact that not one of my friends likes to make an actual decision, we ended up sitting around for most of the evening.

Katie and Jon are expecting a baby in October. I am hoping enough people know now that it is appropriate for me to mention here. This is the closest friend I have had get pregnant. It’s pretty crazy to think that someone who I am friends with is going to be a parent. They found out that they are having a girl. This revelation, complete with the requisite oooooh’s and squeals, was followed by a session of “What Should We Name the Baby?” Now, I like babies, I mean babies are just great, but there is little else as unsatisfying as a discussion about what to call someone else’s child. I mean, it’s not like the parents are really taking their friends’ advice to heart.

Stacey: “Oooooh Katie, you should call your baby Julia. I have always liked that name.”

Kim: “Yeah”

Katie (nodding): “OK, I will.”

So then, after we collectively decided on the baby Julia's first outfit, five of us jumped into a little No-Limit Texas Hold-em match. As per usual, Kevin and I were promptly unseated from the game. You would think that after game after game of being ousted by my friends, I would begin to doubt my own poker playing prowess. However, I have concluded that a more fitting scenario is that I play poker at such a high level that the only way I can really be beaten, is by the kind of silly, amateurish luck-of-the-draw brand played by my friends. Seems more likely to me.


Blogger Kenton Finkbeiner said...

Oh Kevin,

You better be joking about that pregnant line...

Here's a few names I like...

Iggerikibarberopolou (Ig-er-ee-key-barber-augh-po-lou)You can call her Iggie for short.
(Since Kevin is going with a starwars theme....): C3PO is good.

But by no means name any of your children 'Christian' or 'Chastidy'...they either turn out to be hellians or complete sluts by age 12...

Finkbeiner, Out.

9:35 AM  

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