Monday, December 13, 2004


I had a pretty good weekend. Lots of good happenings. Stacey and I finished up shopping for a few people on the Christmas list. Now all that is left is those who are truly impossible to buy for. You know the type. I am talking about those people who decide that they want something and immediately head out to Target or Best Buy or the local Mazda dealership and pick it up. How are you supposed to buy something thoughtful and fitting for the person who literally has everything? You basically have two options:

Option A is to get something that you are sure they will like. This route might seem great, but essentially all you achieve is the recipient’s possession of this particular item in duplicate. In fact, they will probably be wearing the item as you hand the gift to them.

Option B is a bit more daring. You can try buying something that you are sure they don’t have. A risky proposition as more often than not the reason they do not have it is because they think it sucks. Remember from Option A, if they liked it they would already have one (or maybe two).

Also, for you American football fans, the Seattle Seahawks got their first victory against a winning team. Narrowly skirting disaster in the last seconds of the game, the Hawks held on to a 4-point lead against the Minnesota Vikings. Perhaps they will be able to get to the playoffs after all.

Not to mention the new Husky football coach. UW brought on Tyrone Willingham to turn around their pathetic team. I have heard mixed reviews, but I am optimistic. Besides how can you get worse than 1-10? (Other than 0-11 of course.)


Blogger Kenton Finkbeiner said...

Christmas gifts and football.... Nice segway.

I would probably consider myself someone hard to shop for, but I have so many interests that it's impossible for me to buy everything I want.

...I do go out and buy things though that I really want right before Christmas, only to piss off those people who have already been way too thoughtful.


8:52 AM  

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