Triumphant Return
It seems that my blog has suffered from a personal flaw that always seems to re-offend. When I experience something new and exciting, I attack the practice with great zeal. Be it hobby, pastime or task, the story is always the same. I will devote my whole self to the activity, passionately…..for about two weeks. At that point, I have lost interest in what might have recently seemed to outsiders as my life’s pursuit.
At several distinct points during my adult life I was convinced that I was going to be a photographer, a sculptor, a painter, a pianist, a beekeeper, a hockey player, a banjoist, a guitar maker and a magician. Each phase lasted such a short time, yet cost me so much money.
So, I have come back to my blog after several of you have suggested that I update. I am going to make an entry at least every couple of days. Thanks for the motvation.
As for my personal life a quick update: At the end of August, my contract with my employer expired. Try as they might, they could not find the resources to extend me a permanent position. This essentially left me unemployed. Always the optimistic one, I assumed a position in my field would be an easy find considering the experience and knowledge gained over the last eleven months. I had not considered the fact that the companies I could potentially work for would not be hiring. At all. Long story short: two months, a drained savings account and one strained marriage later I accepted a position at a major pharmaceutical company doing exactly what I was doing at the last major pharmaceutical company. YAY!
(OK, I was not going to be a beekeeper. But the rest are true.)
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